COMMENTARY | Does not It Seems We Have lots of news sources and lots of choices of reporters to follow? Still, There Are not That news stories affect us That Will we hear about Seldom? One Of Those stories IS space debris. As If We Did not Have Enough to worry about on Earth, now we Will Be Affected by junk Scattered around in space!
So Why Should we learn about this? There Are not Plenty of Problems here in our Neighborhood? Because we have more Used To Become our cell phones and wireless devices Other, more we Used To Become Often the services provided by satellites. We do not Realize That Many of our telephone conversations travel by satellite, and Those systems are PRECISELY Positioned in space and Must Be Carefully managed.
My understanding of this Phenomenon Began When I was a new Air Force officer, stationed at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado. I WORKED at the Computational Space Center (CSC) and tracked satellites.At the time, This Was Mostly done by junior, inexperienced officers atmosphere of secrecy in a year. We Used a world-wide network of radar systems to track Thousands of objects in space, the thesis Could Be Actual satellites or parts of the rockets That Carried Them Into Space. And Often, satellites Would eject parts, Such as lens covers, That Became Separate space objects.
One constant Offender Was The Soviet Salyut space station, Which Would Periodically release Many bits of What We Were Told Was The station's trash. We had a difficulty time tracking objects Many radar systems our sincere Did not Have the coverage needed and They Were not Designed for the task DHR social worker career. What I DID learn That WAS the space environment WAS far more difficulty to Operate Than I Had Realized in. And I Learned a lot about What Kind of There Are Threats.
Finally, we are building systems and track That Can find Some of the space junk, though It Is Hardly a tracking solution.We Have No system still in development and capture That Could Eliminate The Threat.
Increasingly, we use cell phones, unattended banking systems, and Many devices to stay connected to our world. The satellites relay That Many of These devices depend on Can Be Threatened By Other space objects - some we know about That and Some That Are surprises. Many of These relay satellites are in geo-synchronous orbit, Which Means That They Are in space far deeper Than Something familiar Such as the Space Station. Purpose They Are in Danger of Being still damaged by Known and unknown piece of junk That Could hit 'em. We Have Made Great Strides in Changing operations so That we create less debris, drank We Have No Way of Removing the many pieces of debris orbiting That Are Already our planet.
Perhaps one day we can fly a system That Can Remove Some of the larger piece of junk - so THEY That Will not collide with Other and create smaller, more difficulty to track, objects.That Is the goal in future.
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